I am OUTRAGED when there is any human being or any other living creature that is forced to endure or witnessed suffering through violence and abuse. Maybe this time in our history is a wake-up call for all of us to address the atrocities that occur each and every day all over the world to people from different cultures, races, gender, and most of all of the children.  The innocent are those who have no choice, no voice, and their only method of survival is dependent on the people that abuse them.  This is a universal dilemma on multiple levels; the current events are devastating and the incidents happening everywhere have an enormous impact; especially on children.  Would it be possible to just go back and think about when you were a child?  All you wanted was to be safe and secure and

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What is Gaslighting? Could it be happening to you?

What is Gaslighting? Could it be happening to you?

These days you can hardly go more than a day or two without hearing the word “gaslighting.”  This term is defined as a type of emotional manipulation in which a “gaslighter” tries to convince you that you’re misremembering, misunderstanding, or misinterpreting your own behavior or motivations, which create doubt in your mind leaving you vulnerable and confused. The term came from the play called “Gas Light” and the film adaptations released in 1940 and 1944 which depicts this type of abuse as occurring to the wife of an abuser.  The important thing to learn is it always takes place between two people; the gaslighter, who creates confusion and doubt, and a gaslightee, who is willing to doubt their own perceptions in order to keep the relationship going. Dr. Robin Stern; Associate Director for the Yale Center of Emotional Intelligence, surprisingly discovered the Gaslight Effect while she facilitated

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Telling Your Story Might Help Others Heal

Telling Your Story Might Help Others Heal

Happy New Year!!! I believe there is going to be a great deal of changes this year; especially for women. I have been impressed with the courage and bravery it has taken for so many women to come forward and stand up for what needs to change by putting a spotlight on sexual harassment.  Speaking out and unearthing the long history of this dirty little secret allows others to come forward to tell their story!  Women no longer need to carry the shame and guilt about what happened in the past and begin to create new ways to empower themselves wherever they are!  To help women navigate being vulnerable I will be offering a new workshop starting Wednesday, February 21st based on Dr. Brené Brown’s new book called; “Braving the Wilderness.” In her book, Brené discusses the pain of loneliness and how anxiety

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Book Review: Why Does He Do That? by Lundy Bancroft

Book Review: Why Does He Do That? by Lundy Bancroft

The book, “Why Does He Do That? Inside the Minds of Angry and Controlling Men” by Lundy Bancroft is so informative and eye-opening I couldn’t stop reading it.  I wanted to know “Why do so many men abuse women and what can be done about it?”  Bancroft has worked with abusive men for over twenty years and informs us that EACH year two to four million women are assaulted by a man at some point in their life.  Bancroft’s valuable insight covers: early warning signs ten abusive personality types the abusive mentality problems with the legal system the long difficult process of change If you feel you are trapped in an unhealthy relationship and are trying to make sense out of what is happening… this is the book for you!  For example; one of the most distinct features when you are with an angry or controlling partner

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